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Typing Certificate

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Get your Typing Certification here!

To get your typing certificate, take the typing test at least FIVE times, your five best typing scores will be averaged to determine your certified speed.

Once issued, your certification can be verified by others online (click here for an example). We will mail you a professionally printed certificate document suitable for framing, that contains your best typing scores and your online verification certificate ID. Certification documents are delivered by US mail in 4 to 7 working days (most US locations, international delivery times vary). An e-mail copy is also optionally available.

Take the typing test now, you can return to the typing certificate order page later by clicking the Click to get a Typing Certificate link that will appear below the test results. Or login to your account if you have scores saved. If you do not have an account click here to register for typing, then click the TYPING TEST link on the top left of the webpage. Remember, you must take the test at least 5 times in order to have sufficient scores for certification. You can take the tests as many times as you like, the best five scores (after deducting errors) will be used.

If you want to verify any typing certificates issued by Learn2Type.com, click here and enter the Typing Certificate ID.