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Verify Certification

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Ten Key Speed Certificate

Certificate ID: TESTTK

Issued to: Test User *

* Identity Verified by Credit Card

Test Date: 28-Mar-24

Status: VALID
Best 5 Typing Speeds
Actual KPH Actual Errors Adjusted Speed
8360  8360 
8600  8600 
8150  8150 
7510  7510 
7554  7554 

Certified average typing speed is 8034 Keystrokes Per Hour.

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Security features on authentic original Learn2Type.com certification documents include:

  • Crisp printed border in green (copies will appear smudged).
  • Micro-print background to prevent erasure or alteration.
  • Individual test scores as recorded and used for averaging.
  • Circular Learn2Type.com raised seal on the lower left.
Typing Certificate
Why certifications issued by Learn2Type.com are trusted by most employers:
  • Industry standard testing protocols.
  • Varying content for a proper testing environment.
  • Cheat-proof computer testing technology.
  • Score data is digitally stored and cannot be altered.
  • Certifications issued after human proctor review.
  • Individual test scores displayed on document.
  • Test candidate identity verification when marked.
  • Internet verification of issued document and scores.